
IIT Bhilai provides various IT services to students, staff, researchers and its faculty members.

Some of services are listed:

LDAP Authentication

IIT Bhilai uses central authentication process to access IT services. ITIS provides LDAP ID to all members in IIT Bhilai. Members may use this LDAP ID to access many IT services in institute as per their eligibility.

Every student, staff and faculty member gets an LDAP account when he/she joins IIT Bhilai with the help of ITIS team. Members may change their password by using web page in

Server Storage

ITIS provides drop-box facility to all IIT Bhilai members. The service is hosted with 5 GB content storage space for each user and can be increased on request. In addition to drop box, students in IIT Bhilai get access to 500 MB storage along with their LDAP account.

Mail Service

ITIS provides email services to faculty, staff, students, visiting faculty and temporary staff, using G-Suite.
Our campus email services are hosted with 30 GB content storage space for each user of IIT Bhilai. One can access his/her email, calendar, address book, and tasks on any computer through a web browser

Mailing Group and Alias

An alias is just an email address that automatically forwards each message it receives to a list of other email addresses, which is called the alias list. ITIS provides this service when it receives a request. ITIS have already provided some aliases to different group of students as per their program.

Internet and Web Browsing

ITIS provides seamless gigabit network connectivity to the entire campus that connects all the Academic Departments, Hostels, Central Library, Administrative Departments, Lecture Halls, guest houses and Residences. Users can get access to internet by completing the registration process.
It provide both type of connectivity -

  1. Wired access
  2. Wireless access

Internet access is provided by dedicated Internet link of 1 Gbps and 100 Mbps from two different ISPs. The primary link is of NKN and the secondary of BSNL.

IIT Bhilai is a part of National Knowledge Network (NKN) under which all the national level institutes are connected via the high-speed fiber network.

Domain Name System

ITIS maintain own domain name server to create domain. A DNS server contains a database of network names and addresses for other Internet hosts and runs a special-purpose networking software and features a public IP address. All DNS servers are organized in a hierarchy and communicate with each other using private network protocols. Root server is at the top level of the hierarchy, maintain the complete database of domain names and their corresponding IP addresses.

Telephone Services

ITIS has deployed campus-wide IP based telephone services that offer all the general phone features with extra facilities like directory access, conference call, etc.
We deploy, configure and manage telephone set and allot telephone number to different centers, departments and residence.

DHCP Services

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol(DHCP) is a network management protocol to dynamically assigns an IP address and other network configuration parameters to each device on a network. ITIS provides the internet connectivity through a DHCP server across the campus. IIT Bhilai members are not needed to set a specific IP address for their machine. Machines are configured their IP address automatically along with other parameters like gateway, subnet mask, etc.

संस्थान निदेशक द्वारा सन्देश

I am pleased to extend my greetings to students and their parents as well as colleagues near and far. IIT Bhilai was established on 7 August 2016. We are located in Chhattisgarh, the rice bowl of India, in a state rich in natural resources as well as cultural memory and heritage. और पढ़ें


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